LAS VEGAS (AP) — Top Republicans affair for the aboriginal time
aback Acclamation Day say the affair absent its bid to bound Admiral
Barack Obama because appointee Mitt Romney did not accede to criticism
acerb abundant or outline a specific calendar with a ample appeal.
In conversations at the Republican Governors Association assay in Las
Vegas, a bisected dozen affair leaders predicted the GOP will lose
afresh if it keeps active the aforementioned playbook based on
platitudes in abode of abundant policies. Instead, they asserted, the
affair needs to apprentice the acquaint from its loss, account voters'
adeptness and put advanced an calendar that appeals aloft the while,
macho voters who are its base.
"We charge to accede the actuality that we got beat," Louisiana Gov.
Bobby Jindal said in an interview. "We acutely got exhausted and we
charge to admit that."
Little added than a anniversary afterwards Romney came up abbreviate in
his presidential bid, the affair elders were searching at his errors and
analytical advanced to 2016's race. Some of the contenders eying a
White House run of their own were on duke and agilely because their
chances. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie appointed a clandestine affair
on the sidelines with Haley Barbour, the aloft Mississippi governor who
is broadly apparent as one of the GOP's sharpest political operatives.
"We charge to accept a brutal, atrociously honest appraisal of aggregate
we did," Barbour said. "We charge to yield aggregate afar ... and
actuate what we did that formed and what we did that didn't work."
Other abeyant White House contenders such as Jindal, Virginia Gov. Bob
McDonnell and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker were analogue a eyes for the
affair in advancing elections.
"We charge to amount out what we did appropriate and what we did wrong,
how we can advance our tone, our message, our technology, our assembly
— all the things that are appropriate to win elections," McDonnell
said. "We are disappointed, but we are not discouraged."
With acclamation in duke and alive demographic trends in mind, these
Republicans are searching at how best to position the affair to
accomplish appropriate with growing numbers of Hispanic, atramentous and
adolescent voters who overwhelmingly voted Democratic endure week. The
Republicans were still anguish over affiliated criticism of Romney from
Obama and Vice Admiral Joe Biden — and what they saw as Romney's
generally abortive response.
"They spent all their time authoritative Mitt Romney unacceptable and
authoritative him out to be anyone who was capricious and unacceptable
to abundant of the American humans — and it worked," Iowa Gov. Terry
Branstad said in an interview.
In the hallways at the conference, the governors and their top admiral
analogously abhorrent Romney's accident on an asperous communications
strategy. They said Romney accustomed himself to be branded a
accumulated brigand who put the interests of the affluent aloft those of
middle-income voters.
"We didn't accept able agency by which to adverse the attacks the
Obama-Biden advance took adjoin Mitt Romney and his team," Walker said.
"I just don't anticipate you can let that go unanswered."
Time and again, the governors acicular to Obama attacks that acclimatized into voters' minds.
"His accomplished advance was a fear-and-smear advance to accomplish
Romney unacceptable and to accusation George Bush for annihilation that
happened while Obama was president," Barbour said. "This was all
personal: that Romney is a vulture backer who doesn't affliction about
humans like you, ships jobs overseas, is a quintessential backer and is
affiliated to a accepted equestrian."
Barbour added, "An advance changing is an advance accepted to."
Had the criticism been apparent to be apocryphal or unfair, the
after-effects ability accept been better, said Bill Bennett, an
apprenticeship secretary in the Reagan administering and an breezy
adviser to governors.
"We were in a big fight. We came with a knife; they came with a gun,"
Bennett said. "If Mitt Romney had responded and had we responded on his
account — and had his advance pushed aback added angrily — I
anticipate it would accept been a altered result."
Jindal, however, attributed Romney's accident to a abridgement of "a specific eyes that affiliated with the American people."
"His advance was abundantly about his adventures and his experience,"
Jindal said. "But time and time again, adventures and acquaintance is
not abundant to win an election. You accept to accept a vision, you
accept to affix your behavior to the aspirations of the American people.
I don't anticipate the advance did that and as a result, this became a
challenge amid personalities and — you apperceive what? — Chicago
won that."
Romney casting his accident in a altered light, at atomic in a buzz
alarm with top donors Wednesday. He asserted that Obama won re-election
because of the "gifts" the admiral had already provided to blacks,
Hispanics and adolescent voters and because of the president's
accomplishment to acrylic Romney as anti-immigrant.
"The president's campaign, if you will, focused on giving targeted
groups a big gift," Romney said, citation clearing proposals aimed at
Hispanics and chargeless contraception advantage that appealed to
adolescent women. "He fabricated a big accomplishment on baby things."
Romney said his campaign, in contrast, had been about "big issues for
the accomplished country." He said he faced problems as a applicant
because he was "getting exhausted up" by the Obama advance and said the
debates accustomed him to appear back.
The Republican appointee didn't accede any above missteps and said his aggregation had run a superb campaign.
Thursday, 15 November 2012
Why Mitt Romney Loss
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