Do you know this man? (Susana Bates/Special to the San Francisco Chronicle)
Smile, moron! You've just become one of the most wanted men on the Internet!San Francisco police are hoping that someone will be able to identify this ne'er do well or some of the people standing around him as he smashed a giant barricade through a SF Muni bus window. The incident happened late Sunday night after the San Francisco Giants clinched their second World Series title in three seasons and triggered the eventual burning of the $1 million vehicle. This incredible picture by photographer Susana Bates has gone viral so perhaps someone will recognize those involved. You can check out more photographs of the bus burning in the San Francisco Chronicle's great coverage of the madness.
Though 36 people were arrested in the celebrations — 23 for felonies — Muni spokesman Paul Rose says none of them have yet been for this incident. The bus originally cost $700,000 and was recently renovated for $300,000 more.
From the San Francisco Chronicle:
Identifying troublemakers following sports-related mischief has been done before. A special site popped up in the wake of the Vancouver hockey riots in 2011 and encouraged visitors to name those spotted doing damage. Hundreds of people ended up being charged in the aftermath.(SF Chronicle)The worst damage was caused by a group that waylaid an 8X Bayshore Express bus near Third and Market streets around 12:30 a.m. and lit the coach on fire.
The eight passengers and the driver escaped injury when they fled from the bus, Muni spokesman Paul Rose said.
Muni spent $300,000 recently to spiff up the old bus (which originally cost $700,000), Rose said. Repairs could cost far more than that, he said.
Though San Francisco's celebration wasn't nearly as widespread or violent, this bus burning stacks up with some of the worst damage seen in the wake of a title. Here's hoping these clowns are identified and punished for destroying both city property and the good buzz from the Giants' newest title.
Bonus: Here are some shots of hooligans jumping on a different city bus:

And for a little comic relief, here's a bus passenger on another bus (not the one that was burned) who apparently wanted to remain oblivious to the chaos outside:
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